Monday, July 22, 2013

NAACP is racist and not supporting Blacks

NAACP Leader Can't Name Any Of 61 People Murdered In Chicago During Zimmerman Trial

Where is the NAACP with Marissa Alexander -- a black woman who got 20 years for shooting a wall when being threatened by a man against whom she had a protection order?

Funny thing, seems George Zimmerman got out of jail and three days later, he and a buddy saved the lives of a family that was in a one car accident (SUV overturned on husband, wife, two kids).

Seems there was a "divine reason" he was set free... Now if the NAACP can find a "divine reason" why Marissa Alexander got 20 years for shooting a wall, maybe there would be a reason for their existence.

Why is the NAACP picking on the White-Hispanic Zimmerman? 

Simple the NAACP is anti-Hispanic and anti-White.  If they were pro-Black, they would be working to free Marissa Alexander … But Marissa Alexander  is a black woman, and the guy she had the order against – the guy who was there threatening her (apparently in violation of that order) – is also black.  NAACP will never side with a black woman over a black man … because they are also sexist!

And to know the victims in Chicago would also mean knowing that most of them were victims of black male criminals … and the NAACP supports all black males – no matter how dangerous they are … again,  Marissa Alexander is the proof.


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