Sunday, November 30, 2014

Crude Oil Falls, Shale Oil Unprofitable

(Image source: via Business Insider)

As gas prices fall, they represent fall in crude prices which are making Shale oil unprofitable.

Were Americans intelligent, instead of Tea Party lackeys, it would be importing oil from every non-terrorist controlled nation engaged in exports. (Yes that includes Russia).

The Shale Oil would be held in reserve, as would ALL the known domestic reserves.

Once America runs out of oil, the mechanized military – army, navy, air force – draws to a dead halt.   The oil needed to power them would be in the control of the terrorists, and America will have no reserves to draw upon.

If the USA went 100% import, its reserves would only be needed in the event of war, and it could devote current efforts to ensuring the destruction of terrorist nations.

The Koran dictates that, when the Evangelical Messiah arrives, his first action will be to lead the faithful of Islam (not the current terrorist violators of the text) in an attack which will kill the “Bad Christians.”

Who are the “Bad Christians?”  They are the ones who, on a daily basis, violate the primary mandates of Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles – people who take his subsequent statements out of their context and use them to deceive – people who are substantially ALL Christians.  Note that the Current Pope, Francis I, is making a major effort to turn Catholics back to the scripture they abandoned, and so save them from the fulfillment of both Catholic and Islamic prophecy.

Islam is “The Army in White” of Revelation – or so it was intended to be.  The suicide Jihadists are actually evil doers violating the scripture on the Islamic side to the same degree that the Evangelicals and Televangelists violate it on the Christian.  Both sides are dedicated to the destruct ion of life, but both are serving to fulfill the prophecies.

Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction describes the politics of Washington, which is to fall in 2015/16, and provides the probably timeline for the Revelation Prophecy which began to unfold in 1929.

One need not believe in prophecy to understand the willingness of the ignorant to bow to superstition and thereby make what should not be real … very real.

Think about it:  Did the tent Evangelicals emerge before, or after, Hitler?  Were they selling a similar story?  Promoting an alternative idea which fed the bigotry against the Jews (hence against arguably the most famous of all Jews, a fellow called Jesus)?

Being anti-Judaic is to be anti-Christ.  A fact known to those who have actually read the story.  For those who haven’t, or who want a guided tour of what they overlooked, there is  SAINT PAUL'S JOKE

Saint Paul's Joke: 'The Punch Line's A Killer' 

And, in USA, the Tea Party Republicans and their fellow Republicans who come to power in January 2015/16, the butt of the joke is dependent upon the fall of Washington; In Italy, whether Rome (the Vatican) is destroyed by Earthquake or Islamic Jihadist attack at some time during the life of Francis I.

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