Wednesday, November 12, 2014


On the 4th of November, 2014, the American voter assumed they were sticking it to the black guy in the white house. Even after the votes were counted, they didn't realize the out was not one of their choice, but had be determined two thousand years earlier.
People like to ignore predictions, and when they are long range, and overlaid with mystical symbolism, they might swear to the truth of them ... and yet ignore them to a far greater degree than they would a black cat crossing their path.
Such is the reality of Revelation when, for the first time, it is looked at in terms of the Hebrew calendar, and not a calendar system created four centuries after the predictions were made.
The Revelation represent the finale of a 24-hundred-year-old messianic prophecy which is the basis for Christianity and Islam - if it is false, wouldn't that if r those two great religions might also be false?
Affirming and expanding upon calculations done by Sir Isaac Newton, "Death Over Life", reveals that, from a purely calendar based point of view the years 1929, 1939, .... 2007/8 fit the stated sequence of symbolic events. Moreover, it asserted the outcome of the 2014 was predetermined to allow America to fulfill the requirement applicable to the year 2015.
Regardless of the outcome, the final Newtonian year is 2034 -- the year when a third of all life dies, or the prophecy and its related religions are proved false.
It since the Inquisition has a culture chosen to fulfill religious prophecy by choosing "DEATH OVER LIFE", and now -- be it via denial of healthcare, denial of climate change, or through terrorist suicide bombing -- proponents of religions representing a third of the current world population are actively making the choice declared themselves to be on the side of death, if only to prove their religions deserve to exist, and their deity is real.
Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction" is a warning about the path society has chosen to take in the name of an unseen, some say imaginary, supreme entity.

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