Date Line February 28, 2007
Biblical Interpretation has become the primary focus of the Anglican Communion. Interestingly, this “interpretation” concept, as opposed to specific language of scripture, reveals the traditional disregard for the teachings which they are supposedly following.
One problem – the most blatant – is the issue of gays with Church Leadership authority. There is no prohibition against gays in the teachings of Jesus.
Where do these blatant anti-Christ types – these “Church Leaders” – get off by superimposing such bigotry in opposition to the specific words of the one they have sworn to follow?
What we are seeing is nothing more, or less, than the same bigoted and hypocritical nonsense the Catholic Church practiced throughout its post 600 CE existence.
Paul was probably gay – and so self conscious about it that he challenged his own sexuality. Of course, he also, openly, challenged the authority of Peter – the Rock upon whose authority the Church was to be built.
Peter was Kosher – as all followers of Christ were ordained to be. It is known that Peter followed the laws – but Paul set aside the laws.
It is interesting that all major Christian denominations have thrown out the Law – except in those instances when they can pervert the laws to discriminate, to exercise their bigotry.
As I have pointed out before, Homosexuality was unknown in Biblical times. Which is not to say it didn’t exist, just that the word, and connotation did not exist. The idea of same sex couples was, in those times, as it is in nature, quite natural.
There is one prohibition which could be – when stretched beyond both rationality and its specific language – be applied to gay behavior:
Leviticus 18:22 (V’et zachar lo tishkav mishk’vey eeshah toeyvah hee.) – "Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination."
The previous article (below) discussed this prohibition. It is clearly NOT a prohibition against lesbian behavior, as it applies only to the conduct of men. As such, it does not deal with the gender irrelevant concept of “homosexuality”.
More to the point, as applied by the bigots and anti-Christ element of the Anglican Communion, women are specifically excluded.
Within the laws of Leviticus there is nothing prohibiting women from engaging in sexual activity with women – when examined, there isn’t even a prohibition against female masturbation. It is the waste of sperm, spilling it on the ground, which is prohibited – as indicated in the previous article, it can be squirted into the mouth, but not spit out. It must, to avoid going on the ground, be swallowed.
Oral and anal sex between male and female are quite acceptable – for they are the only acts which a man can also engage in with a man.
Of course, the average Christian is mentally deficient. It is too much for them to think through the logic, or lack thereof, behind their efforts to hurt their fellow human.
Dealing with Christian logic is dealing with evangelical logic – it is the core problem with the Right-wing. They are – or more accurately, their leadership considers their followers to be – total idiots.
Look at what they have done in the area of education. Creationism! The idea that an incompetent deity needs to constantly adjust, modify, or redo, its creation. The idea that a “perfect” and “all knowing” being is imperfect and lacked sufficient knowledge to produce a desired and foreknown outcome is the heart and soul of their faith..
In terms of Biblical Prophecy, watch your butts: Armageddon is a necessity, because Christians are to Christ as Al Qaeda/Shia/Sunni Moslems are to Mohammed. Near prophet would take the trouble to save the respective members of either of those groups.
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