Saturday, December 26, 2015
Christmas Full Moon and the Star of David Pattern
Monday, December 21, 2015
President Ted Cruz -- a Canadian seeks to be POTUS
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
The Final GOP Debate reveals the predicted traits
A YouTube statement by
Mandy Patinkin [which] suggests a "Princess Bride" quote for Ted Cruz, December 13, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Cruz and Climate Change–POTUS potential
Perspective --
Cruz represents THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE agenda and party.
As pointed out in "President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future"
Cruz is NOT ELIGIBLE to be POTUS -- he's a Natural Born Canadian, whose Cuba father became a Canadian Citizen, thus showing intent NOT to have his son an American.
Tea Party Birthers made a big deal over Obama -- falsely asserting Keyian birth as a basis for Obama being ineligible. That acquisition and a parallel between the lives of the two men appears in "The Tea Party: America Upended"
In all instances, Obama and Cruz are identical -- with some notable exceptions:
1. Obviously the races of their respective fathers;
2. Obama's mom was in Hawaii when he was born, Cruz's in Canada.
3. Obama received a clean American Passport when he was six, at 18, Cruz received one designating him a Canadian-born citizen of Canada with inherited (not natural born) USA dual-national citizenship.
The delight of the reality: Were Cruz nominated, there should be an immediate challenge which can only be settled by an explicit SCOTUS ruling -- and they might punt {reserve ruling until after the election, based on the idea that eligibility of a non-elected individual is a moot issue). The effect would be to place voters on notice that they might actually be electing the VP to be POTUS.
Fortunately for Cruz, his voter base doesn't believe in reading, facts, or the American Constitution.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tea Party Candidates
The “Popular” Candidates speak out – and show their true America Values.
Watch the Congressional Budget Votes – they are opposed to producing a healthy population, but favor Weapons of Mass Destruction and anything that will cause harm to the planet.
It all goes to PROVE which side of that Bible they wave they are really on. Their DEADline is fixed at 7 October 2016 – expect them to get assistance from ISIL.
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
Divisive vs Unity
The Evils of Oppression
Ecclesiastes 4: …10For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. 11Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.
Republicans wave the Bible, but advocate division.
It’s their game – and they love to lose. Not because the leaders will lose, but because they gain profits from harming others.
Hate is a nice game – it serves those who promote it, but harms everyone else. ISIL knows this, just as their co-conspirators, the Republican right-wing, do.
Hate speech will dominate the period running into the 7th of October 2016, with the people affirming their position on the matter in November.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Evidence against Republicans builds.
Another reason why THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE Republican right-wing wants to keep immigrants out.
Immigrants disrupt the republican effort to destroy the economy and bring down Washington by 7 October 2016.
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
Secondary fact – if your economy is sustainable, and you double the population, EVERYONE’s income goes up by 15%.
Yep, those who were there originally, make 15% more than they were making, and the new comers make the same.
In many ways, this reality represents the economic multiplier effect. Introduce a dollar AT THE BASE of the economy, and the economy will circulated it 7-10 times (grow GDP 7-10 times) before the dollar exits.
TRICKLE DOWN? Introduce that dollar at the top of the economy and it will exit that economy with no, or minor, effect on the GDP – but it will multiple the difference in earnings between those on top and those on the bottom.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Nominate Ted Cruz?
HUM: If, as a republican advisor suggested, Rubio or Cruz were to take charge of the field and gate the nomination ...
First: Would Trump actually go independent? Let's assume yes.
Rubio? It would be interesting to see what he could really bring to the campaign between nominees -- probably not much. Trump could split the Republican vote and ensure a Rubio loss.
Cruz? Now here is fun times.
Cruz is a Natural Born Canadian and therefore, ineligible without an explicit SCOTUS ruling. How fast could SCOTUS address an issue of historic importance -- one that makes every foreign-born individual with an American parent eligible to be POTUS. At the same time, negating the idea that someone born here could be denied that eligibility because their parents were undocumented.
Trump, as an independent, would immediately file a challenge -- effectively undermine the Republicans completely and make it a two person race between TRUMP and the DEMOCRAT.
Ah the fun of the idea of a "President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future"
Monday, November 30, 2015
Ted Cruz – article reprint
Elspeth Reeve
Republican senators think it would be just as bad for Ted Cruz to win the nomination as Donald Trump.
But it’s possible their view is skewed by having worked with the guy. Cruz, who infamously did not come to Washington to make friends, has not won endorsements from his colleagues in the Senate. “Mainstream elected Republicans now see Cruz as a bigger threat than Donald Trump or Ben Carson to clinch the nomination—but equally damaging to their party’s chances of winning the White House and keeping the Senate next fall,” Politico reports. So many are backing Cruz’s rival in the Senate, Marco Rubio.
Cruz has publicly explained that his campaign strategy is to unite three “lanes” of GOP voters: evangelicals, libertarians, and tea partiers. But Republican Senator Dan Coates is openly skeptical, saying of Cruz’s attempt to find a middle ground on national security between libertarians and hawks: “I don’t think you can split that baby.” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn and Senator John Thune also hinted Rubio was the better pick. But many GOP senators won’t endorse Rubio while Senator Lindsey Graham is in the race. For now, it seems, they’re sticking to an un-endorsement of Cruz.
Yep, seems everyone is catching on. But not really paying attention :
"President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future"
Sunday, November 29, 2015
“City on the Hill” America–Winthrop, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Rev 6:04
The focus is a build up to applying the prophecy which reads: "Babylon The Great City has fallen."
Franklyn Delano Roosevelt used a city reference in the rhetoric of one of his speeches.
Roosevelt’s address has been called a sermon -- the “City on a Hill” sermon -- and reflected that given in 1630 by John Winthrop.
Keeping in mind that Winthrop's sermon was delivered long before the United States came into being.
The image was also used by John F Kennedy.
By its detractors, Washington is often referred to as Babylon -- but, for Winthrop, the "City" image refers to the Nation which was to be built.
" Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us;
soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us,
wee shall be made a story and a byword through the world,
wee shall open the mouthes of enemies to speake evill of the wayes of god and all professours for Gods sake;
wee shall shame the faces of many of gods worthy servants, and cause theire prayers to be turned into Cursses upon us till wee be consumed out of the good land whether wee are going: "
And, if these words resonate through time, the eyes of the world were upon US. And, did we deal falsely -- denying aid to the poor, and food to the hungry?
Did we deal falsely in arguing against health care for the sick?
Did we deal falsely by building our budget around a life by the sword -- and giving preference to the construction of Weapons of Mass Destruction of the needs of the many?
Did we deal falsely by proclaiming we were "pro-life" and killing those who provided, or sought, medical aid with regard to the coming of new life and the saving of existing lives?
Did we deal falsely by insisting that people life with the consequences of a failed conraceptive device, a rape, or a birth defect that will cause them to love one who will die within a brief time of gaining life?
Did we deal falsely by insisting that those who sought to escape a burden they could not afford, shoulder that burden -- while we do all we can to deny them the assistance to handle that burden which we insisted they be saddled with?
Did we deal falsely by insisting we have the right to invade and murder with impunity -- just because we don't care for the free choices other make?
And thus do we cause our prayers to be turned into Curses upon us, and condemn us to be consumed and removed from the good land that is Now the modern Babylon -- a "city-nation" which will fall in the eyes of the world, and be cursed as being beneath the heel of the most immoral of the terrorist kind.
Evangelicals have wished for it to be so, and their people only have until 7 October 2016 to make it so.
If they fail -- even in the slightest detail -- the real prophecy will come to pass ... one based on Climate Change and a simple and natural passing of life.
Well, a third of humanity pass in violent war? Or in the old age that befits a baby boom generation which, for a brief period of time, distorted the natural demographics?
That will be decided and locked into place in November 2016.
Either way, the prophecy will be fulfilled -- and the schedule held to.
Look at the image that heads this page, what significance has the Red Horseman and the years 1939/1977/2001/2015?
Were those dates in the News for any Red Horseman [WAR or military death] related events?
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Economist article in College Grades
The Economist Magazine carried an article: Ivy League grade inflation Grade expectations
Once again, the media demonstrates that we are in the age of HALF INFORMATION. The article shows a chart establishing grades have gone up -- but it makes no mention of the college population demographic reality.
USA population in 1950 was 152.3 million; in 321.2 million. Thus the population more than doubled over this period.
In 1950, we had a heavy post and pre-War European refugees population.
Plus a wealth of first generation Americans who went to college because it was made possible by the GI Bill; while motivated, they lacked the modern preparation.
"For those 18 to 19 years, enrollment rates increased from 29.4 percent in 1950 to 61.2 percent by 2000." This indicates a larger pool of applicants fo the target universities to select from.
At Harvard: "Financed by the G.I. Bill of Rights and admitted through special College entrance exams for veterans, ex-servicemen swelled the Class of 1950 to 1,645 members, more than double the past year's size."
In 2015, Harvard College admitted 1,990.
Gee, the American population more than doubled and Harvard class increases by a bit more than 20%.
NATURALLY the grade point averages would increase -- [pardon mixed metaphor] they have removed the deadwood and kept the cream-de-la-cream.
Go through the record for the other TOP schools displayed on the chart, and you'll discover the same demographic reality.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
ISIS here’s what the plan is.
The idiots that the Tea party (read: Koch Brothers et al) are pandering to are too stupid to understand those two Arab/Islamic concepts.
Obama has the advantage of having spent considerable time in the Islamic world (for which the devout, habitual, liars in the Tea Party routinely attack him)
When you represent the World, and are in conflict with an Arab group, the idea is to DIVIDE the cousins, not give them a reason to bond more closely together.
Trump, Cruz and the rest would kill their women and children -- thus give the cousins a reason to bond tighter against their common enemy. If France promotes broader attacks and does not stop with its destruction of the destruction of the ISIS buildings, the problem will escalate
Of course, I am betting that the idiots in the red states will promote escalation. They need to. Their clock is ticking and they need to destroy Washington before 7th of October 2016 -- so they can win in November. (Yes there apparently was a reason for the idiotic eBible Fellowship book -- mostly to get you to ignore the pre-election threat.)
Ideally NOBODY CARES. We actually want World War Three, or something approaching it. Asia will sit it out -- China already has a 60 million man surplus that can be devoted to soldiers and thus defense. So China, which is developing its production capacity and a solid capitalist base by lifting its poor our of poverty, is immune.
America (read: Tea Party, Koch Brothers et al) is pushing its Middle Class into poverty -- with attacks on Social Security and Medical Care at a time when the Baby Boom is turning 70 and will expect the services/income it paid for.
How is the 7 October date derived? It is the Day After the end of the current Hebrew Year -- a year that mathematically suggests the fall of Babylon the great city, in a system that already corresponds to 1929/Hitler, 1939/WW2, 2007-8//"Great Recession" and other dates/events we can test against.
The system is explained in: "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
Watch the attack on refugees expand into a reinvigorated attack on immigrants in general -- anything which can serve to weaken America. The Saudis, who funded BUSH 41 & 43 also fund the terrorist groups -- bin Laden was one of their's, and from one of their most powerful families -- have worked hard to manipulate oil prices so America would deplete its reserves and thus have no fuel when the time comes (like German, when the tide of war turned because they had no oil access). NOTE: They also oppose solar and wind or any form of renewable energy development -- all the better to weaken and disarm a nation that spends all its money on weapons systems which will, ultimately, be dependent upon Middle Eastern Oil reserves.
The long game for to 2030 -- so 15 years more ... assuming the Republican right-wing can both hold and enhance its current power position. If the nation moves to the left, then the plans are worth less than burnt toast. Just saying that ensures the push to the right ...
Yep. The allies are The Tea Party and ISIS.
They are aligned with the BUSH clan to bring down America (remember Prescott Bush loved the Nazis and helped fund them, and the Saudis provided the Nazi oil until Allied forces cut the supply lines).
History is revealing.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tea Party, Nazi Party and ISIS … is there a difference?
Are we going to repeat 1929? And 1933? Then repeat 1939 and 1944/45?
Or is America going to set aside the idea of WMD’s and spending more on military murder machines that the next seven highest military spending nations combine?
Self defense is one thing, murdering elected leaders and instituting destructive “regime change” for short term corporate profits is another.
Look at the HAND … Hitler held down, Cruz Stops … Cruz says “It’s Bad” but never gives any reason, and certainly never provides anything which can be “fact checked.”
In 2013, Cruz stopped Government by reading Dr. Seuss into the Senate Congressional Record – seems that’s all the Republican Senate is good for … reading Children’s Stories.
Cruz, a Natural Born Canadian – whose Cuban father loved America so much, he chose to become a Canadian Citizen until his son decided to use POTUS as a means of defrauding Campaign Donors – is in the process of asserting the Constitutional eligibility clause null and void. But that’s OK – Donald Trump said, he would negate Freedom of Religion and the Establishment Clause, by closing all Mosques.
Didn’t Nazis do that with the Synagogues? But Trump is pandering to the New American Nazi Party – called the Tea Party – so naturally he would be an advocate of their policy objectives.
ISIS KNOWS, it need only kill a handful of people (ten percent of the number that American police have killed in the first ten months of 2015 alone), and that is all its Tea Party buddies need to justify murdering tens of thousands of innocent Muslims Women and Children.
"The Tea Party: America Upended"
"President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future"
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
The Hebrew Bible tells the story of Solomon discovering that what he thought was correct behavior to honor God was actually wrong – from that was derived the RULE OF SOLOMON:
You sin,
when you are told your actions are wrong
and you still do them.
You’ve been told.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Terrorism: For the record and the future “You Were Told” reference
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists
After he left office -- having used DESERT STORM to attack the Saudi Enemy, Saddam Hussein -- Bush 41 received, via a Canadian-Saudi Corporation, millions in no-show consulting fees.
Basically, the Saudis rewarded Bush 41.
"Saudi Arabia is the world's largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba – but the Saudi government is reluctant to stem the flow of money, according to Hillary Clinton."
Bush 43 knew of the 911 attack and when it happened, showed that knowledge in his lack of reaction or distraction from reading children their stories.
Again, ignoring the Terrorist funded by the Saudis, Bush 43 attacked Hussein and opened the door to the current problems.
We are told terrorists want to attack the United States. But, in reality, they will only do so if there is a POTUS whose first reaction is to KILL. And in so doing, push America further into debt, and further deplete resources which could improve infrastructure and the lives of common citizens. It's a matter of "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction" and they MUST achieve their objective by October 2016 -- having it affirmed by the November election.
To fail Judgment, America must, once again, vote for HATE and its own destruction.
Rule of Solomon: You must be told, so you can be held accountable. Consider yourself told.
I know those who post the "Jesus saves" stuff don't get it.
They don't read their scripture, so don't understand "SAINT PAUL'S JOKE".
They don't understand that it teaches to look at the DEEDS actually performed, rather than praising the words describing actions never taken.
We have until October 2016 to make the final judgment as to our own fate, then, in November, the deal is sealed.
10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men
Someone who, unlike those Trump is pandering to as the Republican base, actually gets it.
"The attacks in Paris are not about the murder of 150 innocent people. Hell, that many die nearly every day in Iraq and Syria. The true test for France is how they respond to the terror attacks in the long-game — that’s the king in all this. America failed this test post-9/11; yet it does not sound like France understands anything more than America. “We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless,” French president Hollande said outside the Bataclan concert hall, scene of the most bloodshed."
The attacks are about forcing irrational vigilance on the scale of the BUSH 43 response. It is about getting criminally psychotic murderers recognized as a government against which conventional warfare can be applied.
Nobody seems to understand the game -- they insist on Chess or Checkers, when the game is "giveaway", a game in which each player works to lose the most pieces.
The pieces in question are those that define the culture. America has lost trillions of dollars, gone into (created) debt that will span generations and is now at the point where it is willing to starve its own people, deny the everything, through them back into the Depression Era, so that it can increase that debt and spend more on WMD's that are used without effects beyond the killing of innocents.
Fun part, this allegedly Christian nation, and the evangelical Republicans, talk of JUDGMENT DAY, and don't understand that this is it, and they are failing the test.
As with the French, who failed the first test with Charlemagne, and the Inquisition, their Revolution, and again in the cited response, America is threatening to choose DEATH OVER LIFE ... not realizing it is their own death they are choosing.
The book title, "Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era", has no question mark ... the seeming question is rhetorical. We have been in the Revelation era since the players were assembled in 1917. Will it be 2017 when the reality is brought home?
America, "Babylon the great city", has, in the eyes of Donald Trump, already fallen ... and so must be made "great again". But America has until October 2016 to decide if THE DONALD is correct. He does not want to be POTUS, he's just the messenger pointing to the things which Mark the possible evidence of that fall.
Those who killed in Paris killed in NYC; they killed in Kenya ( the alleged land of Obama's birth, per those who chose DEATH IN RESPONSE TO DEATH); they kill in their own marketplaces and they kill their own people as they go to their places of High and Special worship. They win when the response to death is prompt more Death Over the morality of Life.
The judgment has begun. The worm is on the hook, now who shall take the bait?
Paris: You Don’t Want to Read This – by
Peter Van Buren
129 white French, versus “147 dead in terrorist attack on Kenya college” back in April and "148 people were killed by al-Shabab militants who stormed the dormitories of Garissa University College in a siege that lasted 15 hours."
.... did anyone know about it? OR CARE?
Seems we know where the media bias is.
Consider this -- Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was King of the Franks ... a FRENCH KING murdered Islamists and Jews ... converted people in what is now Demark, Baptized them then murdered them and set the pattern of behaviorbehaviour that culminated in the Holocaust.
Or we like to say it did -- but Bush 43 declared Holy War against Saddam Hussein and also declared the 911 architect, Bin Laden, to be "IRRELEVANT" to the alleged War on Terror and gave him a pass for murdering more than 3000 Americans.
Yea! Bush 43 did declare Bin Laden "wanted dead or alive" -- until congress gave him the authority to murder Arabs. Immediately, Bin Laden became irrelevant and was able to spend years in a villa overlooking the base used by US Forces in Afghanistan.
Now, if we do it right, in November 2016 we will elect another guy who loves his wars and murder. He will not care about Africa -- because ISIS will make him a gift of ROME's Destruction. And they will use the American weapons Bush shipped to Iraq and left (along with all the munitions needed).
Among social media’s Eiffel towers and peace signs, a months-old story of a terrorist attack in Kenya
Donald Trump wants everyone to have a gun (DUH makes it easier for bad guys to get one) but the facts are these:
"An FBI report detailing 160 active shooting incidents from 2000-2013 found that only one incident was stopped by a concealed carry permit holder, and he happened to be a Marine. (Four others were stopped by armed guards, and two more by off-duty police officers.) By comparison, 21 active shooters were stopped by unarmed citizens — good guys without guns."
Thus, a GOOD GUY with courage and the correct attack location, is far better than a nobody with a gun -- a police officer or soldier ... well then, we're basically taking a good guy who also happens to have a gun and is trained to use it in combat situations.
The Numbers on Arming College Students Show Risks Outweigh Benefits
AGAIN: It’s the Rule of Solomon, and has nothing to do with your religious belief or disbelief – it is a factual approach to personal moral responsibility:
1. If you know what you are doing is basically wrong, or ill-advised, YOU are responsible.
2. If you do not know, those who do know have the obligation to inform you. You must be told, so you can be held accountable.
3. Consider yourself told. And prepare to live with the consequences of your actions and the actions of those who deny reality and favor lies; those who hate and value violence.
Be prepared for decades of a world run by right-wing extremists – be they in the USA, or call themselves the Islamic State. Maybe they are holding power in European nations. No matter. YOU will vote them into the power that will be used to kill you and your children. Their weapons are economic deprivation, and “the sword” – they are supported by bigotry.
Consider yourself told.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
REVELATION: the backstory Part 1
You all have a rough idea of the prophecy, or prediction, known to the world as the biblical Book of Revelation. Now it is time for the story you do not yet know. It is the story of the fulfillment of that prophecy.
We’ll skip the first portion, the events known to have occurred at the end of the first millennium, and focus on the events which are now unfolding.
Our story begins with a young orphan, a boy whose life was to have been devoted to the fine arts -- a pursuit for which he was actually quite suited. But he was born at a time which marked the dawn of an era of Judgment and rapid change. He entered life in a time devoted to war.
A brave lad, whose temperament was suited for the saving of lives, he joined in the conflict and served in a medical unit. Unfortunately, it was a unit which was assigned to a brigade of the damned; he had been assigned to help those who had been judged to die. He too died. But it was the death of the undead – his eyesight was taken and he was faced with a choice of a life without the career he had dreamed of, or death.
But to die was not his fate, it would be his choice.
He could recover and follow a path which would lead to “eternal fame” beyond the normal scope of the expectations of a young aspiring artist, or he could remain blind.
But, there was, of course, a catch. His fame would not be that of an artist – though his art work would endure and be prized. Rather he would be the counterpart to another artist, one whose fame would also endure and be interlocked with his own. Neither man being known for his art, but rather for their opposing leadership.
The boy, which it would later be revealed was Jewish and of the same genetic blood as one of the greatest scientific minds of the Century, was offered the position of the White Horseman of the Apocalypse.
He would be reviled, hated, revered and quoted. he would be a “Man of the Year” and a force that would live in history. He would be the one to bring about the RAPTURE. But, as significant as it was, his role, and the true nature of the occurrence, would go unnoticed for a century from the time he decided that the fame offered was better than the obscurity of a blinded artist.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Voting Shows the End of Amrica
Town has 1001 residents and over 750 registered voters ...
Sounds good -- until you think about it.
75% of the town is OVER voting age ... there are very few kids ... in a normal population, only 40% of the population are adults.
Bodes poorly for the survival of the District Schools (located here in Town) -- our town has the largest population of any of the communities serviced by both the elementary and high school.
And Maine is losing children.
In a decade, the population will reflect there being nearly none at all. In three decades ...
Guess there is a solid reason for being anti-immigration. Why would we want children?
Why would we want anyone under the age of 60?
An ideal reason to undermine Social Security.
Why would we want people to retire?
Why would we want people who are selfish enough to retire to have money to spend to keep local stores and industries afloat?
"The Tea Party: America Upended" ... they understand ... upend America, empty it out, destroy the economic structure ... all the easier for the Islamics to conqueror the nation.
Why Islamics? Haven't you seen the reports? The mean temperature in the Middle East is expected to reach 165 -- it's expected to become uninhabitable (as is the mean is approaching 115-130 (and we all know safe faucet water temp is 120). Certainly they will need a place to live -- and the Tea Party has decreed it should be America (but its voters are too dumb to understand that).

Sunday, November 1, 2015
Trump rephrases REVELATION
STRANGE THOUGHT: Did Donald Trump intent to pander to the Evangelicals, by taking a statement from Revelation, tweaking it, then using it as his campaign slogan?
To make something “great again”, obviously it had to once be great – maybe a “Babylon the Great City” type greatness. As you might have noticed on some TV programs, quite often, The City of Washington is referred to as “Babylon.”
Does that mean: Donald Trump’s Campaign formally declares “BABYLON THE GREAT CITY HAS FALLEN”?
Thus Trump is fulfilling Revelation? Does that make any sense at all?
Is America the modern and symbolic Babylon of the ancient text?
In his paper, “METAPHORS IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION: A STUDY OF SELECTED SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST (S.D.A.) LAY LEADERS’ INTERPRETATIONS”, Stephen Ogana wrote:““Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev.17:5). Babylon symbolizes an apostate Church full of wicked followers.” Which is a fair description of Evangelical Bible Belt America. It is something revealed by Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles, as covered in "Saint Paul's Joke: 'The Punch Line's A Killer'".
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great city is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (Rev. 18:2 KJV). Look at this representation of that ancient assertion – it describes a conditional reality which might well be applied to Washington. Where else do people work to deny medical care to others; to deny medical research; to deny the obvious that we see associated with Climate Change; to deny a worker the right to a minimum wage that removes them from the slavery of poverty; to attack those who are in poverty and forbidden any escape by their attackers?
Slaves get “FREE STUFF”; taxpayers buy what they receive; the wealthy steal from their slaves.
Babylon was the symbol of Jewish Slave Captivity, America is the symbol of African Slave Captivity – and now it has a POTUS who is both descendant of “Kenya” and the Founding Fathers. (Obama is a Cousin to George Washington and numerous others who were Founding Colonial settlers.)
As cited by Ogana, “Horn (1979:109-114) says this concerning Babylon: It is called Babel in Hebrew and Aramaic languages and Babulon in Greek. It was a city in the Mesopotamian Valley which was one of the first cities founded by King Nimrod. In the Holy Scriptures (Genesis 11:9), the name means confusion based, evidently, on the fact that the Hebrew verb balal means to confuse. A number of prophesies were directed against Babylon, predicting that the city would be destroyed and become desolate or an uninhabited place. (Isaiah 13, 14:1-23, Jeremiah 50:51). This prophesy, has gradually been fulfilled (Cyrus the Great took it in 539 B.C.). In the Bible (Revelation 18:1-3), Babylon implies a religious organization which teaches false doctrines and therefore, it is bound to fall.”
Imagine Right-Wing Evangelicals actually believe their often irrational superstitious interpretation of scripture. [as opposed to using it as a means to bilk the ignorant of millions in donations to support the televangelist top 1% lifestyle.] Could, as implied by Horn, and stated by Jesus (when he denies he will know those who come in his name), could Babylon be the Christian Church? In his Prophecy of the 112 Popes (the final one, in a thus far basically accurate series, being the current Pope Francis I), Malachi is on record as saying Roman is destroyed while Pope Francis (returned Peter) travels.
The timing Evangelicals have is general -- there are two phases, each one after a period of thousand years; the first was the Viking age in which Charlemagne murdered non-believers; the second is the 21st century when they often say the world ends.
[We know the prediction describes an end of modern, rampant, post-war, human population growth and the effects of Climate Change. We have very reason to believe the "prophecy" was a rational prediction of known cycles combined with a rational projection of observed human cultural patterns.]
If the Evangelicals believe a certain number must die, could they be trying to manipulate those deaths?
Could that explain their attack on health care and the elderly (through attacks on Social Security); could that also explain their devotion to excessive military spending?
Is it possible they believe murdering others, sacrificing others, will somehow save them from the inevitable extinction associated with their historic self-hatred and bigotry?
We have, possibly, uncovered the secret behind the timeline. Uncovered the rational reasons why the specific dates and times were said t be unknown:
1. We were denied knowledge of a fixed starting date;
2. We lost the accuracy which comes from proper use of the cyclical calendar system they applied;
3. They knew irrational Pagan/Roman thought patterns would prevail for most of the period - it was even part of the prediction and marked the events which would define much of the second interval. If WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING define a divine spirit, ignorance and superstition would, in part, define evil. But then too, there is the ignorance which blindly dismisses that which is not clearly understood -- an intellectual equivalent of the Fox declaring the grapes sour.
Mention the Bible and the reaction is to call it myth and dismiss it -- even as the dismissive individual acknowledges the scientific wisdom of its laws and obeys (promotes) it's rules for fundamental hygiene and social behavior.
Are we in the Revelation Era? Of course we are -- the end of that era was fixed to be two thousand years from the writing of the predictions.
Part of the problem: which writing?
Both being versions of the same prediction, the latter appears to be meeting a more detailed expression of the former -- with the KORAN describing the soldiers who would comprise either THE ARMY IN WHITE, or the ultimate army of evil to be destroyed before the more civilized age can begin. It begins with those who choose, or prize, "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction".
Many have interpreted verses in many ways. But in all, it would appear that America, or its cities, are seen to be the hub that is Babylon.
There is the “???” because Christians see the dead as Christian, Muslims see them as Muslim, the dead of The Rapture – the 144,000 – are, without question, stated to be 12,000 of each of the Twelve Hebrew Tribes of Israel. And so stated, even though, at the time of the Prophecy, the only means of identifying those individuals was via their DNA ... a means that only emerges in the 21st century, when the Holocaust settled the matter through the expedient method of simply killing all Jews. NOTE the Nazis were working on, and dedicated to, the study of genetics which we now do via DNA. Could it be that the Holocaust was the Rapture without the proper tools?
Now that really messes with the Evangelical source of income – the one promise they consistently make to the rubes they con on a daily basis.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Why GOP hates Social Security; LOVES harming America
THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE defines all Republican politics.
There is the obvious: At Republican insistence, Americas spend more on the military than the total of the next seven highest spending nations. It is not an issue of national defense. Most of the programs are useless to the point that even the Pentagon lobbies against them.
Spending on the military drains the Federal Coffers and deprives the Nation of funds for its citizens and maintenance of its basic infrastructure. Cut the Military budget in half, and you would still spend more than the next three or four nations; cur it in half and there would be NO DEFICIT,. plus there would be a surplus to fully fund Social Security and other programs which build the economy.
Consider Social Security.
If the minimum average payment were more than 150% of poverty, those of Social Security would not need to be subsidized by SNAP, LIHEAP, etc. Thus those programs would cost less to fund.
If the minimum wage were increased to $15 or more an hour, the related worker-employer contribution to Social Security would DOUBLE. PLUS, the workers would not need to be subsidized by SNAP, LIHEAP, etc -- those programs would cost less to fund.
People would have more disposable income, and that means they would demand more goods and services, which means there would be a demand for workers to provide those services or goods. Increase demand for goods an services, and unemployment declines.
GEE the effect of declining unemployment equates to the removal of people from welfare. Again the cost of those programs declines.
If you want to harm people, belittle those who need public assistance, deny those who are retired the income they were promised – thus forcing them onto the public assistance you denounce – at the same time deny retirement programs funds by depressing the minimum wage.
Finally, squander revenues the government obtains – and if it cannot be squandered, invent means to allow those who are exporting jobs and wealth NOT to have to pay taxes and thereby reduce the un-squandered surplus while, ideally, transferring the real tax burden to the same people you have denied of a living wage.
The Most Harm To The Most People … it’s a simple, if long term, game. One that is competed by denial of healthcare to those you have burdened with high taxes and low wages, and belittled for needing the welfare you forced them to qualify for. After all, you get more people on welfare when they are too sick to work – so make sure they are denied the ability to stay healthy.
We hear that “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.” That is true. But the tide lifts the boats from below the keel. When all boats are beached, and the tide comes in, it lifts the smaller shallow draft boats first – the people at the bottom for who a relatively small about of lift provides all the buoyancy they need.
It is only when all the smaller craft are afloat that the continuing increase in tide will lift the larger ships. Of course the tide could rise by rain pouring down from above. The larger boats catch it, the rain fills the holds, passageways or compartments – and then overflows the gunnels and trickles down to provide the lift the smaller boats require. Unfortunately, the larger ships are now swamped – they do not rise, but capsize and sink … we call it a Recession, Great Recession, Depression, Economic Collapse … and knowing this, the owners order the Captains to batten down the hatches and set sail for distant ports … What we call Outsourcing.
If the rain continues, the smaller boats will rise, or capsize; the ships will have long since gone and the port will be empty … those who service it will have no work. But that is the goal of TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS –to destroy the economy of the port that was abandoned.
THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE defines all Republican politics.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Book of Genesis Wisdom Lost
We had the knowledge in our year 525; but lost it around 1582. That it has not been rediscovered until now just goes to show, how little real study of the text has been done, over the past centuries.
Granted, there has been a lot of attention paid to the theology and philosophy, but very little credit give to the hard science – in many cases, the science has actually been attacked or denied without any further comment.
In that regard, one need only mention the Bible on an internet thread, and the mindless attacks begin – with no regard for what is being stated.
But today’s topic is Lost Knowledge with a focus on the pervasive patriarch dating error which has been institutionalized across the internet – an error covered in the book: "GENESIS OF GENESIS".
First let’s look at the A+B=C structure which was used to define the patriarch ages.
For each patriarch we are told they were born, had a son when they were [A]-years-old, then lived [B]-years, and died at the age of [C]-years and we have a+b=c as a ridged formula connecting ten of the first nine patriarchs who comprise the Book of Genesis ancestry.
Of the three who do not comply, we have the SHEM ERROR where the birth of Shem is mentioned in connection the end of the Flood and backward from the birth of his son; and the corresponding Flood reference for Noah which is referenced against the start of the Flood. Then there is the error that conceals the secret behind the patriarch ages … the year in which the Traditional Chronologies have Adam die … at 930 in the year 930. But Adam is been on the sixth day of the first year; thus, having celebrated his 930th year (which is clear from the a+b=c formula applied throughout the text is the way they cited the age at death), Adam would have died in the year 931 … a year which, in terms of the Calendar system, is highly significant.
How could this error have happened? To understand we need to consider these calendar realities: The system used was known by the Scythia Monk who gave us our year one, when he redid the calendar in our year 525. But, the Bible was made public with both the King James and Guttenberg and those creation dates are important to the explanation.
The English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England begun in 1604 and completed in 1611 and is known as the King James Version. And in 1455, Gutenberg produced what is considered to be the first book ever printed: a Latin language Bible, printed in Mainz, Germany.
The Latin version would have simply presented the text as it was translated into Latin – no reference to the calendar chronology appears to exist -- or have been carried forward – because the calendar was both unreliable and, since the Church knew it had been redesigned in 525, there was no consistent basis for a Chronology which would not reveal the Hebrew origins –- the ones adopted to make the Roman and Hebrew Passover/Easter coincide – in a now Christian Calendar system.
Look to the King James era for the error – the “Old Style and New Style dates” whereby, in the Catholic countries, a Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian. It was a change in system that began in 1582 and was still in progress as late as 1752. The King James Bible, hence the chronologies, appear in the middle of the transition – a time when the date confusion had people recording death as “in the #-year of their life” … thus the 930 for Adam was not the birthdays celebrated, but rather the years lived within from the day of birth. In modern terms, one is legal at age 21, or are they legal in the 21st year of their life, which would mean the day after they celebrate their 20th birthday?
The book: "GENESIS OF GENESIS" reveals that which was lost – and shows how the Biblical Scholars who created the book were linked to the knowledge embodied in the stones of Stonehenge, and as the basis for multiple famous cultural calendars.
Those familiar with the patriarch ENOCH – who walks with God at the age of 365 will lean that his name and age embody 7 (as in days in a week); 52 (as in weeks in a year); the obvious 365 days in a year; and finally the Metonic Cycle which is the basis for both the Hebrew and Chinese Calendars … as defined in Stonehenge.
The book: "GENESIS OF GENESIS" … clearing up an error and complying with THRICE cited dictate that we are to seek out all WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The Book that Destroyed Ted Cruz’s PORUS Aspirations
Neat: On Wednesday, 21 October 2015, the book, "President Ted Cruz: The 2016 Election and America's Future", was credited as being the work which singlehandedly brought about the end to any hope Ted Cruz had of being nominated for, much less elected to, the position of POTUS.
With it’s apparently obvious “pro-Cruz” title,
The book was an immediate read for those who wanted the crazy Canadian to become America’s first unconstitutional President.
Phrased in terms of the Birther Movement case against Obama, the book paralleled the two men – who proved to be identical in all respects, aside from the fact Obama was an American Citizen born in the State of Hawaii, and Cruz was, until the book was published, a Natural Born Canadian Citizen (with all the rights and privileges of a Canadian) until the book focused upon the fact that Cruz was really a dual national … naturalized via the provision in American Naturalization Laws which allowed bypass of normal processing to those who have an American Parent.
It is noted in the Book, even if the Birther falsehoods about Obama had been true, Obama would still have retained an equal status with Cruz – except both men would have been ineligible to hold the offices of President and Vice President, or to rise to those offices via normal succession.
As the book pointed out, Cruz’s power might be in the Senate – though subsequent actions on his part show he might have resigned himself to a secondary role there as well.
At this point in time (October 2015) all that remains is for Cruz to officially withdraw or otherwise “officially suspend” a campaign which has ended in all but the collection of money from the carney rubes – those who are the same bible waving fools Cruz’s father bilks on a regular basis.
In terms of Bible-Speak we have another book … one based on an interpretation of scriptural timing and the “Catch-22” of prophecy.
As the book "Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction" points out, 2015/16 marks the period in which political radicals must prevail, and bring down Washington, or be brought down themselves (hence the Ballot Box on the cover).
Regardless of whether the right collapses the nation by promoting unconstitutional positions intended to force a default on the Nation’s lawful debts and obligations, or selects to shutdown the government in time to disrupt the holiday economic season, the prophecy will need to be complied with before October 2016.
Should they fail to assume more power, and possibly lose that which they have already acquired – via the voting out of their current office holders, the prophecy prevails … it only calls for “Babylon the great city to fall” and that can mean a loss of power for those who have assumed the obstructionist role which, for seven years, has defined Washington.
In November 2016, the 2016 decisions, and status of Washington, will be formally declared by American voters. What makes the race and decision more dramatic, and thus more in keeping with prophecy fulfillment, is the clear choice between the Democrat and Republican positions.
The Republicans want to deny people the right to health care; deny them the right to a living wage which will allow workers to live above the poverty levels that necessitate government assistance; deny a living retirement to those who supported America over working lives spanning four to five decades, by breaking the Social Security Promise and denying retirees the incomes whose payment they contributed to and paid for; deny improvements to infrastructure (the Republicans couldn’t even build a Homeland Security Building – instead they have funded over a Billion Dollars in cost overruns with nothing to show for them).
The Republicans want to increase the level of desperation and poverty among Americans – and the voters will determine if they really want an America that is too weak to fight against the Jihadists.
The Democrats want a strong America, one with a robust economy and where all citizens can achieve the best of life, with liberty and pursue happiness in a manner befitting a free people – a people who are respectful of the rights of others and do not use lies and deceit to deny others a meaningful existence.
So here we are: one book has shown its strength and nearly achieved its objective in a manner which precluded any possibility of rebuttal.
A second Book, also using the terminology and basis of thought of the right-wing evangelic demons who seek to destroy humanity, is about to be proved correct – but requiring slightly more than twelve months for that goal to be declared achieved.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Science used for Prophecy– and maybe Washington falls in 2015/16
EdgaR Cayce was made semi-famous based on a 1989 Jess Stern book entitled, “THE SLEEPING PROPHET”.
But Cayce had already been discussed, and debunked based upon the fact he was using a combination of science and popular best selling turn of the century literature as basis for his mystical predictions -- as presented in my 1978 book “THE PROPHECY NOTEBOOK”
The picture above is basically the Edgar Cayce Prophecy of the Great Lakes Flowing into the Gulf. Except it represents the current, and 1900’s predictions of increased sea levels combined with an earthquake at the New Madrid Fault – a quake zone which, in 1812, was so violent that it rang church bells in Boston – nearly 1500 miles away.
Cayce (1877 – 1945) is little different from the mystics who produced Revelation based upon known patterns of event association and cycles the type of cycles which had ben known since before the days of Stonehenge and the Pyramids. Nostradamus (1503 – 1566) is less easily explained, though he too spoke of things known in his day.
Nostradamus nailed 9/11 … even though many do not realize it. But his date was corrected in “THE PROPHECY NOTEBOOK” – two decades before the actual event. The correction was two fold – he was using a system which had its annual beginning in February/March … so the seventh month became our ninth month; and there was a calendar change which moved things forward by one or two years (depending on the moth involved – something known to all who have converted Hebrew Calendar years to our Calendar). Basically his 1999 became 2000 when the old system became the new one in latter years of 1600 and early years of 1700 (hence a double year presentation that is very familiar to Genealogists); the shift in the month pushed the 2000 into 2001.
It’s a pain to follow but Nostradamus nailed it – he got the King of Terror from Sky (Bin Laden) and the destruction of manmade mountains (WTC sky scrapers as high as a mountain), and even pointed to area by saying in the way, or area, of New City … not New York City, but a reference to a small colonial town, which was founded in his day but is now gone, just across the county/borough border from New York City.
All of that said, the reality exists – the map portrays what America might well look like after the turn of the next century.
But for now – the prophecy in question is the one in Revelation that speaks to fall of Babylon the great city – symbolically Washington DC – and the calculations indicating it should fall in the current twelve month period that will end in October 2016… and be affirmed by results of the November Election.
Those interested in the earthquake effect of another 1811/12 New Madrid event can read this Biblical passage, click it, and go to the article detailing the scientific realities and specific locations.
As for the Revelation calculations. Those are found in the books:
"Biblical Prophecy: Are we in the Revelation Era"
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"
There is a book in the works which infers, based on past genealogical patterns, that the Democrats are fielding the most likely candidates – with the exception of Bernie Sanders, who, if nominated and then elected, is the one who would shatter the historic pattern.
Failing to elect Sanders –- and ignoring the possibility of a BUSH-45 represented by a successful Jeb Bush candidacy – any Republican thus far named would shatter the historic pattern. In the case of Ted Cruz, it would also violate the Constitution – as he is a Native Born Canadian and therefore ineligible to hold either the office of POTUS or vice-POTUS.
Eliminate Bush/Cruz, have Sanders run against the remaining field, and because the historic pattern was destroyed, Washington will have fallen within the specified year.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Guns: Learn Young … promote in old age
Actually, this explains the current push for guns.
As I have written many times (both blog & Book) there is the ancient educational expression -- which I was taught started with, or was popular among, Jesuits in late medieval and early Renaissance era:
Give me the child for the first seven years of its life, and I will return you the adult.
It is very true -- everything we know, our way of thinking about things, is predicated on the first 7-8 years of life.
Those born at the beginning of the Baby Boom were raised on toy guns. Toy guns -- as realistic as possible -- were designed to emulate the early TV Westerns and gangster movies so popular in the 1950's.
Everyone had guns then ... so everyone should have guns now ... the mentality is the hero in the crowd, the harmlessness of guns ... the TV & western reality of a six-shooter that hot a thousand rounds without reloading ... the good guys wore the white hats, the bad the black ... everything was simple and clear ... and guns NEVER hurt the innocent.
Want to bet -- the greatest gun advocates in the Republican Party grew up with BB Guns or 22’s ...
I shot my first gun, killed my first bird – in 1954, at Upstate NY home of Milly & Joe Zappavigna, whose son was involved in founding the famed FOUR SEASONS RESTURANT in New York. In terms of lessons – my dad was anti-gun but pro-“fitting in”.
How gun advertising in America has changed since the 1950s
'It’s Even Worse Than It Looks'
"In 'It’s Even Worse Than It Looks', congressional scholars Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein identify two overriding problems that have led Congress—and the United States—to the brink of institutional collapse."
It would seem scholars have already stated -- some might say "as prediction" -- what was predicted. Of course, I'm more interested in how ancient writers could, some 2000 years ago -- predict the effects of Climate Change; the Holocaust; and what might prove to be the fall of Washington.
We know, as fact, they got the first two correct -- even if evangelicals are in denial and are seeking the end of all life, when only a third was said to die-off.
The third, if my calculations are correct (and they worked so far) is due to happen between Sept 2015 and Oct 2016. Thus, even if they avoid the economic disaster of a Government Christmas Shutdown (evidence of the ongoing Republican "War on Christmas"), the will still have ten months to bring down Washington.
Closet Anti-Americans (known as Republicans) can then, proudly, come out and boast of their true nature.
"Death Over Life: Secret of Revelation: A Prophecy of America's Destruction"