Sunday, October 21, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage

Responding to an article in the BANGOR DAILY NEWS, on Sunday, 21 October, entitled  Why these sisters are voting ‘No’ on same-sex marriage I wrote:

“When people say they don’t see how it’s wrong, I say to them if you can
show me in the Bible where God says it’s right, then I will agree with
you,”... The problem with that idea lay in the fact that the Bible tells us what is WRONG, not what is right.   Once we get past the First commandment, the idea that "Thou shalt NOT" dominates the discussion.

Nowhere in scripture is there a condemnation of Homosexual behavior [either really study the Old & New, or see book "Saint Paul's Joke" (2012, Kindle & Amazon etc),  for specifics].  What is in the New text, is the idea that Gentiles who become Christians should NOT MARRY at all (1 Corinthians 7).  But it also says they are, like the Hebrews, and followers of Peter, required to keep all the laws.  So it follows that these sisters are either Kosher, or bigoted hypocrites -- they cannot base their bigotry on a scriptural view and ignore what scripture requires...  Jesus only gave, and  required obedience to,  TWO commandments: The First of the Ten, and that we treat others as we would want to be treated.  If we wish to be denied the right to marry who we love -- as blacks & whites who loved each other were once  forbidden marry -- then, and only then, should we vote to deny loving couples the right to marry.

they say “We are Christians and we are commanded to love"  -- as you would be loved ... Jesus' second commandment.   They go on to say, "we don’t have to accept same-sex marriage as normal and natural.” Yet, if Jesus' time, even Caesar married another man, and neither Jesus, nor any of the Apostles took issue with it ... with the exception of Saul (St. Paul) who said do not marry at all ... remain single as he remained single.... unless your flesh was weak and only then should you went -- rather than burn.  Which infers a commandment to allow same-sex marriage by the man responsible for nearly half the New Testament teachings and interpretation ... and the only person who was appointed by Peter & James to give those teachings to non-Jews.


“Saul (St. Paul) who said do not marry at all ... remain single as he remained single.... unless your flesh was weak and only then should you went -- rather than burn.  Which infers a commandment to allow same-sex marriage by the man responsible for nearly half the New Testament teachings and interpretation”

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE is preferable to sex without marriage, and without marriage, sex is, in a sense, forbidden.  Saint Paul commanded that his Gentile followers remain single – as he was – and that those who had been married, but were now widowed, should also remain single.  They could only marry if their spirit was weak and could not tolerate celibacy.

Jesus said that any who were divorced, and had subsequently married, were  guilty of adultery.  So, if you are divorced and remarried, you have already spit in Jesus’ face … do you want to do it again?  He did say you had to allow others to be treated as you wanted to be treated.  If you want the right to marry, then you must allow it to others.

November 6th will have those who have forsaken any chance of Christian salvation self-identify – they will be the ones voting against same-sex marriage.

Those voting to allow it will be happy to be done with those sinners – after Judgment Day.  Those who are opposed to same-sex marriage are also those who support anything that imposes


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